toned arms and a jelly belly

Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:03 PM

today i splurged on books.
one of them is this baby...

and i think walking around malls is depressing. i should know, i was at KLCC & mid valley today. and is it just me or are the malls over-populated with people you don't normally see on a daily basis. and by that i mean "out of towners" if you catch my drift. i can tell by the manner they maneuver around the malls; walking ever so slowly in LARGE groups and gawking & staring at things which includes people who looks nothing like them. today while waiting in line for movie tickets, 2 couples were standing in line and the girls were the giggly types with new boyfriends who were obviously new because BOTH of the guys were trying damn hard to not make it obvious that they were trying to hold the girls' hand.
and today i got this Arabic guy whispering in my ear as i was walking by about how he likes my hair. first of all, thanks i like my hair too. second, err he's creepy because he kinda bent to the side and fucking WHISPERED. third, he's arabic and its not like i hate anything mozzie-like but seriously, you like my hair but in your pressence i probably should throw a black shroud of cloth. so no point. besides i only use tiger balms on my belly when i get a tummy ache (inside joke).

this proves i am indeed a weirdo to the public. i should join the circus or something.


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