party right

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:17 AM

i think i can be a pretty bad drunk and also a decent one. i guess it depends on the company and intake. but when the bad happens i rather not remember what happened because 9 out of 10 cases ended up in what i would call a series of things i am ashamed of. i'm just bored and in a sick twisted way i miss the kind of drunk where everything is in a happy daze and waking up to no memory of the night before and that the accounts would have to be taken from various people that night to piece everything together. this couple of weeks in fact, i've been straying away from the normality of the night. maybe i grew out of it or in fact just darn sick of the hassle of going out at night meeting the same faces and doing the exact same thing and listening to the same tunes over and over again... i can no longer be bothered to dress up because who am i going to impress? people here are too stereotypical on appearances because we bitch and moan about others. if somebody dresses up really pretty, people think she's a cheap attention seeker.
do you get that feeling too? or is it just me?


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