
Friday, August 21, 2009 8:12 AM

had a few conversations concerning the fact that its not longer the middle of the year but almost the end. holy mother of tacos! it's almost September already? its a crazy thing this month... thus the lack of entries and most of them shameful attempts of trying to keep up and everybody posted. work has been indeed fun. college work i mean and i have yet to hear from that job offer but its okay.

this past couple of days i've finally able to see the crew. hopefully the pace will increase because man it's been ages since we all had a decent hang out ALL TOGETHER. i kinda miss the random drop bys just to talk and moan about little things. or eating out and almost-getting thrown out for noise... those kinda stuff. looking back at the people i have in my life now makes me realize how far i've gone through since that different period.

so Nikki bought me a puppy. and i've been playing mommy for the past 5 days already. she's so cute that i wouldn't mind wiping pee and poop on the floor. haha!

just for fucks, here's an article i wrote for my assignment. its make-believe. so lets pretend i am some sort of successful and own a clothing line or something... ;)


meet the new underground pop culture of fashion

Nadia A.M. As she likes to be called is as vicious in the studio as the fat chef on the food channel chopping up food and throwing ingredients into the sauce pan. As the senior stylist of stereo:type; the brand people admittedly whispers instead of shouting in fear more people will grow to like it, has evolved into something even the team cannot imagine. “it started off by just lending friends and family clothes we own straight from our closet. And it evolved into something so much bigger.” Nadia explains as she's adjusting waist clinches on her models for a photo shoot. The brand's evolution started with a word of mouth as Nadia remembers telling her friends to not mention to other people about her ever-growing closet. “People just end up finding out that I was kind enough to lend them outfits for events, dates and whatnot. Of course needing money at the time, I could not refuse, so I charged them... I just bought more clothes after that” Nadia laughs about her source of income at college.
Her other close friends started the business as well since they were living in the same dorm, 3 doors away. After graduating from Raffles Design Institute, they formed a team and started venturing out into the fashion scene. Nadia who prefers to stay away from needles and threads managed to woo her friend Debbie C to be head designer in the company. “We both have similar taste in fashion and since we've both graduated with the whole world ahead of us, she was like 'Why not!' And that's how it began.”
Stereo:type's designs are based on famous icons of the past and present ranging from Molly Ringwald from the eighties to Amber Rose. The label is not timid when it comes to mirroring the styles of other personalities because they believe that stereotypes are not a bad thing when it comes to fashion. Unlike most fashion labels which looks up to other designers and mimicking their designs in some way, stereo:type opts to be a rebel for their own good by scouting the streets for some good inspiration. “People amazes me all the time. I once passed by a convenience store and saw this group of kids just hanging out and realized that in some way they were dressed alike. Its the colors and styles and I just had to stop, take a picture of them and actually told them to pose for me while I fondled with the camera. Next thing you know our team created a line based on their style and way of living.” Nadia goes on to explain that through this she manages to talk and hang out with the people actually living in fashion as she “absolutely need to meet new people ALL THE TIME!”.
It comes to no surprise that the team has no shortages in ideas and inspiration. A look at their spacious studio work place downtown says it all. The team created an inspiration wall in the studio which stretches over 15 meters long; covered with magazine clippings, lomography, sweaty band t-shirts, concert bands, ticket stubs, ex boyfriends memorabilia and sketches. What started off with simple post-it reminders on the wall; grew into an accidental art piece.
The small closet business turned into an international venture as stereo:type's main office is located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the origins of the idea and of course the label has strong connections carrying their brands all over Europe and even North America. Nadia goes on to explain that they have no plans on making it big like labels such as Topshop or Zara but hopes that the label is able to inspire people."

i'm still aiming high. maybe higher than ever now. but as of this moment, lets just... hang out.


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