porn going dry

Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:47 PM

henrik halvarsson

yesterday at 3 in the morning, a friend called me just to tell me that apparently our Malaysian government has blocked anyone with an IP from this country to access a few major porn sites. i found this hilarious because he did sound super upset about it. he even managed to get me to try accessing the site but with no avail (thank god). so he decided to stock up on his porn before we turn into the next China; mentioning he was going to Low Yatt this weekend to buy a Terabyte hard drive specifically for porn. i'd say the same thing to the rest of you... in case any of you out there are facing the same problem.


need porn for life said...

shiiitt!!!.betol..gua cuba nak surf pornhub.porntube etc.semua dah kena blog..lanzau la..dah jadi china no2 ar nie..negara komunis ke nie..cipep tol--emo giler-

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