cracked jar

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:35 AM

how does anyone do this? i am filled up to the very rim and if glass could expand to fit more than i guess that is happening too. or maybe my jar is not glass. i think my jar is made out of rubber.
dal is right. HOW can i go through this? i think i am acting too cool for my own benefit. i really want to say it out loud. scream it out over a cliff (hahaha CLIFF, roe!!!) and get on with it. i do that eventually but in this case i'm just going to suck it up and not give in too easily. letting the chips fall so to speak.

this is going to be my last entry about it. because if i could i would have written a bloody book by now.

sorry for being cryptic, i'm quite insecure about this.


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