farting queen

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 9:35 PM

i admit, i fart. a lot. not because i am a disgusting person but innocently enough its because i cannot burp to save my life. so what better way to release the gas? better out than in. i'm constantly bloated all the time especially since i dislike drinking anything warm; i prefer everything iced cold and usually they get you bloated easily. weird as it seems, if i were to lie down when bloated, i cannot see beyond my tummy. sometimes i bloat so much, my boobs seem like mosquito bites in comparison. i'm a D-cup so that says a lot about me and my bloated tummy. once out of curiousity, i lay down flat on the bed and released the most gas the ozon could take and i could actually see my tummy getting flatter and flatter. no fucking joke. the picture above is actually the point of this post. they are actually stickers which you can stick to your underwear; kinda like wearing panty liners and supposedly they will not make your fart smell THAT foul. everyone, once in awhile will release the foulest smelling fart known to mankind. don't lie because i sometimes do to. but most of the time they are harmless gas and i could be farting right beside you and you wouldn't even know it. so i thought the idea for this is kinda genius considering the fact that some people who farts a lot tend to be in a company of a lot of people. and these farts are usually the foul ones which NOBODY would admit to. i don't think the product is being sold in pharmacies but you can get them online here for USD$9.95. quite pricey but i think the concept is BRILLS!!!

the website also sells this Garment Guard sticker thing which basically are stick-on pads which you stick on the inside of your clothes such as your underarms so that your garment will stay stain free from sweating and such. damn cool right!!!

basically Garment Guard sells a whole load of stickers for you to stick inside your clothes to protect them :D


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