rule of thumb #275

Sunday, October 4, 2009 11:47 PM

if you got nothing good to say about anybody just do yourself & everyone a favor and just don't say it. keep it in your head & let it swim. if it still bugs you & the need to tell is overwhelming, seek a therapist or tell the blind beggar you see at coffee shops. say good things about others just as how you want people to say things about you.
& don't say your assumptions out loud. because people might mistaken them as truths and if word gets out, it will be the worst forest fire ever. just because your life suck, it does not mean the rest have to suffer with you. don't drag other people down with you because it won't be company you'll be getting on your downward trip; because you'll both end up dead anyway.
words are something you can never ever take back. no matter how many times you apologize.

so heads up. it won't hurt to consider shutting up sometimes.

learn because i am too :)


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