caesar is not dead

Thursday, April 1, 2010 10:09 PM

van she tech anyone?

decided to go for this Toga party at UNSW. lots of half naked blokes in bedsheets & body paint/glitter. channeling Avatar & maybe Edward (foot) Cullen. Saw a poster upon entering & Van She Tech was gonna perform. so apa lagi? excited a bit la. not bad for a selamba night out because music was awesome & the ratio of good-looking people. half naked pulak tu!

smokes & chardonnay

i would take a shot of Stefan's liquor collection but it might cause imaginary liver failure for many. opted for wine because we had beer after dinner which i ended up wasting because i was so fucking bloated!

first walk out for indonesian food after a 4-hour nap.

awesome weather. me wearing a faux leather jacket was justified because it was chilly.

DM lace-ups. don't mess.

Chibs' DM arrived so we picked them up before heading home from the airport. excited little girl. damn awesome too.


the pictures are in a weird sequence. i feel too malas to edit them because honestly i feel tired. the other roomies are playing Tai Ti with Third Eye Blind playing in the background. smokes everywhere till the point i actually don't feel like smoking. so thats it for a first night here in Sydney. tomorrow; THE CITY!


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