death on youtube

Monday, June 22, 2009 9:43 PM

this was the THIRD video i've watched in my entire life on youtube concerning someone real and alive dying in front of my very eyes. the first was a suicide video captured in a police integorration room and another was of a freak highway accident. you have no idea how i feel watching this as i literally sat still in my bed remembering what i just witnessed. its brutal, graphic and most of all UNFAIR for a woman to die because of her belief in freedom and justice.

this is a video of a woman in Iran; moments; seconds after she got shot during the recent protest. the video, captured in 2 perspectives will show how fast she slipped out of life as blood started pooling around her and streaming out of her mouth and nose. the screaming of the man in the background still sends chills down my spine. the reason i am sharing you this video, that is if you are brave enough, is not because i find such things entertaining and brutally cool but because this is the harsh reality we live in whether we are aware of it or not. we take our lives for granted in this society. making big deals out of things others don't really care about. this is the world seen through the eyes of another. i am at awe at the courage of such bravery shown from the youth especially the women in Iran for standing up to something they believe is wrong and unjust. the unity of the people in trying to regain back their country.

this video is extremely graphic. you've been warned.


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